Wives of the Prophet(s.a.w)

Prophet’s Wives:
1.        Hazrat Khadija:

      Prophet’s first wife
      Only wife of the Prophet until she died
      Mother of the only surviving children of the Prophet
      Helped Prophet most in his early years
      15 years older than the Prophet
      Before marrying the Prophet, she had been married twice and widowed
      Was a renowned female trader of her times
      Hired Prophet for a trade trip to Syria after hearing accounts of his trustworthiness
      Her slave girl, who accompanied the Prophet on the trip, told her how well he had handled the affairs
      In 595 A.D she sent a marriage proposal to the Prophet
      It was accepted on the Prophet’s behalf by his uncle
      She gave the Prophet moral and financial support, which alleviated many of his worries
      They lived together for 25 years, and had six children, 2 of whom died in infancy
      She comforted and reassured the Prophet after he came home with his heart beating severely after receiving the first revelation
      She took him to her cousin and Christian scholar, Warqah Bin Naufil
      Was the 1st person to accept Islam and learn how to pray
      Remained with the Prophet throughout and suffered persecution with him
      Spent her wealth in the way of Islam
      She was buried in Makkah

2.        Hazrat Sawdah:

  2nd wife of the Prophet
  Married in 620 A.D
  Married the Prophet few months after Hazrat Khadija’s death
  She was 30 years old and the Prophet was 50
  She was a widow and amongst the early converts to Islam
  She had migrated to Abyssinia along with her husband
  Took care of the Prophet and his children
  Migrated to Medina once her apartment had been built over there
  Was very punctual about prayers
  Wholeheartedly welcomed the new wives of the Prophet
  Did not even perform the Umra after the Prophet’s directive to not leave the house
  Narrated 5 traditions
  Died in 23 AH

3.         Hazrat Aisha:

      Amongst the favorite most wives of the Prophet
      Daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr
      Prophet visited her house since her childhood
      She was six when the Prophet married her
      Their marriage was solemnized in Medina
      Prophet used to play games with her
      Held special  place in Prophet’s life
      Her beauty and lively character attracted him to her
      The hypocrites played a role in slander against her after she was seen coming home from a fair with an unknown man; however verses of Quran were revealed to prove her innocence
      During his last days, the Prophet requested to be shifted to her apartment and even died in her lap
      She was 18 when the Prophet died
      She lived quietly during the 1st two caliphates
      Showed disagreements over the policies of the 3rd caliph, but opposed killing him
      Fought the Battle of Camel – which she lost and was escorted back with privilege
      She freed many slaves
      Hazrat Umar kept for her double allowance in pensions for widows
      She was often sought be leading muslims and her approval was considered important
      She narrated 2210 Ahadis and has a whole section on her name in Hanbal’s Musnad
      Died in 58 AH and buried in Medina

4.        Hazrat Hafsah:

      Daughter of Hazrat Umar
      Married to Hunais
      Migrated to Abyssinia
      Husband died in Battle of Badr
      Prophet married her in 3 AH to strengthen ties with Hazrat Umar
      Lived with Hazrat Aisha and Sawdah and became their good friend
      Spent her time reading and writing
      She was fasting when the Prophet died
      She kept in her safe custody the mushaf-e-hafsa
      Asked her brother to distribute all her property amongst the poor  at her death bed
      Narrated 60 ahadis
      Died in 45 AH

5.        Hazrat Zainab binte Khuzaymah

      Daughter of Khuzaymah bin Abdullah
      Married to Abdullah bin Jahsh
      Husband died at Battle of badr
      Prophet married after a year after she was widowed to give her protection
      She was called Umm-ul-Masakin due to her generosity
      She died within three months of her marriage to the Prophet
      The Prophet himself led her funeral prayers
      She is buried in Jannat-al-Baqi

6.        Hazrat Umme-Salamah:

      Amongst the early converts who migrated to Abyssinia
      1st woman to migrate to Yasrib
      Her husband was wounded in Uhad and passed away at another expedition, leaving behind many children
      She initially refused to the Prophet’s proposal to marry but later agreed on persuasion
      She went to battles with the Prophet
      Suggested that the Prophet give Sadqa after the treaty of Hudaybia
      Her style of recitation was identical to that of Prophet’s
      Narrated 378 ahadis
      Died in 60 AH and buried in Jannat-al-Baqi

7.        Hazrat Zainab Bin Jahsh:

      1st cousin of the Prophet
      Married to Zaid bin Haris
      She did not want to marry Zaid since he was a slave but she did so on Prophet’s insistence
      However her marriage with Hazrat Zaid was unsuccessful and they got divorced
      Then the Prophet proposed to marry her
      She was initially reluctant but got married after orders to do so came in the Quran
      Bought along a dowry of 400 dirhams
      Used to do needle work to meet expenses
      After the death of the Prophet, she refused to take allowance from the state and gave it to the needy
      Was the first one to die after Prophet’s death in 20 AH

8.        Hazrat Jawaria Binte Haris:

      She was a captive taken from an expedition against Banu Mustaliq in 5 AH
      Given to Sabit Bin Qaisin as booty
      She wanted to pay her ransom and be free
      Prophet saw her nobility and agreed to pay ransom and marry her
      Likewise all her tribesmen were freed
      Her father  - a tribal chief -  also converted to Islam
      She died in 50 AH

9.        Hazrat Umme Habibah:

      Former name was Ramlah
      Daughter of Abu Sufyan
      Early convert
      Migrated to Abyssinia with husband, Ubaidullah bin Jahsh
      There he converted to Christianity so she divorced him
      On hearing this, the Prophet married her and built for her an apartment
      When her father came to see the Prophet she did not allow him to sit in the Prophet’s bed
      Took food and water for Hazrat Usman while he was besieged during his caliphate
      Died in 44 AH
10. Hazrat Saffiya Binte Huyyay:
      Daughter of a Jew: Huyyay Bin Akhtab – one of Prophet’s leading opponents
      Left Medina when her tribe, Banu Nadir, was exiled in 3 AH
      In 6 AH, muslims conquered Medina, where her tribe was settled
      She was initially given to another Muslim, but when the Prophet saw him, he put his cloak on her as a sign of marrying
      This is why she was called the chosen one
      She accepted Islam from the Prophet
      Narrated many ahadis
      Died in 50 AH
 .   Hazrat Maimoona:

    She had been married before twice and was a widow
    She was sister in law of Hazrat Abbas, Prophet’s uncle
    Hazrat Abbas suggested her marriage to the Prophet while he was performing Umra in 7 AH
   Prophet propsed her during pilgrimage
    He invited Makkans to a feast but since the Makkans wanted him to leave in 3 days as agreed, the married outside Makkah
    She died in 61 AH , at the same spot where they were married
  She was last of the Prophet’s wives to follow him
     Hazrat Rehana:

      Belonged to Banu Qurayza
      Captive of war
      Prophet proposed
      Initially reluctant, but finally agreed.
     Hazrat Maria Qibtia:

      She was a Christian
      Sent by the archbishop of Alexandria in Egypt as a gift to the Prophet
      She accepted Islam before reaching Medina
      Prophet married her
      Gave birth to Prophet’s son Ibrahim, who died in 10 AH

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